Intuitive Movement ~Kinesiology~

KINESIOLOGY - Intuitive Movement “Our muscles are the storage cabinets to our subconscious! Through muscle monitoring Kinesiology sorts through these files, bringing forward the keynote!”

Intuitive Movement Owner / Practitioner:

Olivia Ceree Villani
0409 023 678

Kinesiology is a safe and effective form of holistic natural medicine.
Using muscle monitoring Kinesiology pinpoints the affect of physical and emotional issues you may be experiencing such as; fatigue, anxiety, joint / muscle aches and pains, learning difficulties, allergies, digestive disturbances and many more…

A Kinesiology balance is non-invasive, during which you will experience a variety of techniques from; counseling / coaching, nutritional advise, acupressure, flower essence, stretching and / or gentle physical manipulations.

The premise of Kinesiology is that the body has it’s own innate healing power; which it helps you to assess and then release those ‘blocks’, dissipating your aches, pains and stresses.

“Our muscles are the storage cabinets to our subconscious! Through muscle monitoring Kinesiology sorts through these files, bringing forward the keynote!”

The advantage of Kinesiology is that it seeks and corrects the root of your stress, issue, pain or problem (the cause) rather then the symptoms; which is just the effect of the cause. Kinesiology doesn’t therefore diagnose, but rather get you on a path to healing yourself, by identifying energy ‘blocks’ within your system through muscle monitoring. A Kinesiology treatment is called a ‘balance’ because the objective of the session is to bring balance back into all energy systems where those ‘blocks’ are held.
